Welcome to the Tuscaloosa National Airport. Starting in 2017, the airport has implemented new procedures to enhance the safety and transportation of our guests. The most noticeable change is the airport providing transportation to and from aircraft between overflow parking and the airport terminal. At the main airport terminal is where crews can check-in, request aircraft services, and guests can arrange their transportation through the FBO’s shuttles, UBER/LYFT, rental cars, or personal transportation to and from the stadium. Also, at the terminal, seating, college football coverage, and food/snacks will be available for crews and guests that are staying during the game or awaiting their ground transportation.
Depending on the time of the game, inbound aircraft are likely to have the choice to park at either FBO earlier on Saturday morning. Two to three hours before the game, inbound aircraft should expect to park in overflow parking and arrange their transportation accordingly from the airport terminal. It is highly recommended to consider your time of arrival and where you should arrange for a rental car, pick up, or ground transportation.
As each FBO ramp's reach capacity, all aircraft parking will be located on the west side of the airfield in overflow parking where shuttles will provide transportation to the airport terminal. All crews, please check-in upon your arrival with your preferred FBO handling your aircraft. After the game, we ask that everyone (that is not parked at either FBO) return to the airport terminal where transportation will be provided back to their aircraft.
*For games expecting heavier traffic, we strongly encourage aircraft to arrive on Friday or early Saturday to avoid delays getting into the Tuscaloosa National Airport and to have adequate time for ground transportation to the University of Alabama's campus.
If you have any special requests related to reservations and transportation, please coordinate with either Bama Dixie at (205) 333-3000 or Hawthorne Global at (205) 349-3991. It is highly recommended for all flight crews to reference the FAA's Domestic Notice NOTAM for Tuscaloosa's Gameday Operations. An available link is provided below.
*** As a helpful reference, please refer to the aircraft parking map link below referencing the various aircraft parking locations for this high volume events. Depending on the time of your arrival, any of the parking locations may be referenced by air traffic control to your flight crews. The majority of parking will occur on the west side of the airport and our shuttles will provide transportation between aircraft and the main terminal.
Our airport terminal serves as the ground transportation center during our gameday events and will serve as the primary location for all pick up and drop offs not associated with a FBO ramp. We strongly recommend arranging your ground transportation ahead of your arrival and to coordinate transportation to pick up your party at the main airport terminal.